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Course Descriptions


Course # Course Title Credits
ECON100 Introduction to Economics 3 Credits

Recommended prerequisite: MATH 95 or higher Offers an introductory overview to supply and demand, the four types of product markets (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly), operations of markets, consumer and enterprise behavior, price determination. Also covers the measurement of the levels of national income, employment and general prices, and basic causes for fluctuation for these levels.

Course # Course Title Credits
ECON102 Principles of Microeconomics 3 Credits

Recommended prerequisite: MATH 95 or higher. Covers supply and demand, the four types of markets (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly), operations of markets, consumer and enterprise behavior, and price determination.

Course # Course Title Credits
ECON103 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Credits

Prerequisites: ECON102 or consent of instructor. Recommend MATH 95 or higher. Introduces the study of the determination of levels of national income, employment and prices, and basic causes for fluctuation for these levels.

Course # Course Title Credits
ECON261 Principles of Statistics I 3 Credits

Prerequisites: MATH126 or equivalent Offers probability and major probability distributions, sampling theory, descriptive statistics, measure of central tendency and dispersion, index figures, and time series.

Course # Course Title Credits
ECON262 Principles of Statistics II 3 Credits

Prerequisites: ECON261 Offers statistical inference; estimation hypothesis testing, simple linear regression and correlation, and analysis of variance.