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Course Descriptions

Criminal Justice

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ103 Communication Within the Criminal Justice Field 3 Credits

Prepares the student to be able to communicate within the criminal justice field by introducing him/her to the five basic communication skills: report writing, non-verbal communication, basic public speaking, interviewing and interrogation skills, and courtroom testimony. * This class must be taken before attending the Western Nevada State Peace Officer Academy

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ104 Introduction to the Administration of Justice 3 Credits

Provides an overview of the American criminal justice system, its development, components, and processes; includes consideration of crime and criminal justice as a formal area of study.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ106 Introduction to Corrections 3 Credits

Studies the history and development of correctional agencies, particularly prisons. Examines ideas influencing contemporary correctional institutions. Explores the relationship of the Department of Corrections to other criminal justice system components.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ111 Firearms I 3 Credits

Prerequisites: None Covers the moral and ethical aspects of the use of deadly force, firearm handling, safety, defensive tactics, marksmanship and qualification. This course only offered as part of the POST Academy.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ115 Cultural Recognition and History of Patrol for Police Academy 3 Credits

Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Police Officers Standards and Training Academy Provides necessary training to recognize cultural awareness and bias recognition in the practice of patrol for law enforcement. Includes proper training and history of patrol basics with the integration of communication of various types, such as interpersonal, and cultural diversity.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ116 Fundamentals of Investigations and Corrections for Police Academy 3 Credits

Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Police Officers Standards and Training Academy Provides the fundamental knowledge and training to conduct interrogations and basic criminal investigation for Category I peace officers. Overview of correctional institutions and supervision of offenders for Category I and III peace officers as required for Nevada POST certification.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ117 Crisis Intervention and De-escalation for Police Academy 3 Credits

Prerequisite: Acceptance to the Police Officers Standards and Training Academy Provides crisis intervention training and de-escalation techniques for the peace officer standards and training academy. Teaches skills that will allow the peace officer to interact in a safer manner with possible threats they may encounter and to assist in the prevention of escalated force.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ155 Juvenile Justice System 3 Credits

Introduces the field of police work with juveniles. Focuses on juvenile crime problems and their causes, detention and processing of the juvenile offender, practices of the juvenile court, and case disposition.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ164 Principles Of Investigation 3 Credits

Prerequisites: CRJ 104 or consent of instructor Examines the fundamentals of investigation: crime scene search and recording of information, collection and presentation of physical evidence, sources of information, scientific aids, case preparation, and interviews and interrogation procedures.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ170 Physical Training for Law Enforcement 1 Credits

Prerequisites: None Provides the physical training necessary for all police recruits to meet or exceed State of Nevada Peace Officer Standards and Training requirements in order to be certified as a peace officer. This course offered only as part of the POST Academy.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ211 Police in America 3 Credits

Explores the historical development, roles, socialization, and problems of police work.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ215 Probation & Parole I 3 Credits

Surveys the probation and parole system of the U.S. through its evolution to the present. Shows different systems within the U.S. and focuses on executive clemency, parole, rights of prisoners, probationers and parolees, and strategies for treatment.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ219 Emergency Vehicle Operation and Control 3 Credits

Prerequisites: None Teaches police recruits methods of emergency vehicle operation and control in such areas as shuffle steering, steering motion dynamics and vehicle braking (lock-wheel, ABS, impending), pursuit driving and defensive techniques. This course only offered as part of the POST Academy.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ220 Criminal Procedures 3 Credits

Prerequisites: CRJ101 Examines the origin, development, and rationale of the structure and procedures of the American criminal justice system. Emphasizes arrest, search and seizure, confessions, and other related legal issues.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ222 Criminal Law and Procedure 3 Credits

Prerequisites: CRJ 104 or consent of instructor Provides an integrated overview of the elements of substantive criminal law and the fundamental concepts of due process and fairness underlying American criminal procedures.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ225 Criminal Evidence 3 Credits

Examines the origin, development, philosophy, and constitutional basis of evidence. Covers constitutional and procedural considerations which affect arrest, search, and seizure.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ229 Defensive Tactics 3 Credits

Prerequisites: None Provides police recruits with training in the areas of self-protection against armed persons armed with dangerous and/or deadly weapons. Training in the use of holds, come alongs, restraints, and baton use on uncooperative suspects, prisoners, or the mentally ill. This course is only offered as part of the POST Academy.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ230 Criminal Law 3 Credits

Prerequisites: CRJ101,LAW101 Examines substantive criminal law with particular attention to crime, intent, attempts, search and seizure, and the laws of arrest. Relates criminal law to the working police officer. Covers rights and duties of citizen and officer under criminal law.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ234 Introduction to the Courts and American Legal System 3 Credits

Prerequisite: CRJ 104 or consent of instructor Introduces the judicial branch of government, its history, roles, structure and hierarchy of the courts, the central actors and processes. Compares and contrasts the roles of the other branches of government; its organization and interrelationship of the courts within our system of federal, state, and local governments.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ260 911 Dispatch Emergency Telecommunicator Academy 12 Credits

Prerequisites: 4 hour sit-in in Dispatch Center (prior to class start date) Focuses on the skills needed to become a dispatcher with law enforcement agencies, fire centers, trucking firms, taxicab companies, etc. During the 12-credit semester-long course, students will be required to spend 44 hours job shadowing dispatchers, fire fighters and law enforcement officers. They will attend law classes, build their communication and typing skills, and participate in practical scenarios.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ265 Introduction to Physical Evidence 3-4 Credits

Surveys the forensic sciences to show their role in the use of physical evidence in matters of criminal and/or civil law. Focuses on the value of modern scientific investigations.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ270 Introduction to Criminology 3 Credits

Examines how society interacts with crime and delinquency through the use of the criminal justice system. Studies effective interaction and communication between the general public and members of the criminal justice system. Emphasizes the understanding of criminal behavior from a sociological and psychological perspective.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ295 Work Experience - Corrections 1-6 Credits

Prerequisites: CRJ101 or consent of instructor Provides the student with on-the job, supervised and educationally directed work experience.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ296 Work Experience - Juvenile Justice 1-6 Credits

Prerequisites: CRJ101 or consent of instructor Provides the student with on-the job, supervised and educationally directed work experience.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ297 Work Experience - Law Enforcement 1-6 Credits

Prerequisites: CRJ101 or consent of instructor Provides the student with on-the-job, supervised and educationally directed work experience.

Course # Course Title Credits
CRJ298 Work Experience - Probation and Parole 1-6 Credits

Prerequisites: CRJ101 or consent of instructor Provides the student with on-the-job, supervised and educationally directed work experience.