
Policy: Policy 8-1-3: Computing Workstation/Network Resources Use Date Adopted: Jan 13, 2009
Department: Computing Services Contact: Director
Statement: The computing workstation and network resources provided by 情色五月天 are intended to support the academic and administrative functions of the college.

Section 1:Appropriate Use

  1. All workstation resource-related directives contained in the NSHE Computing Resources Policy, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 23 (approved 12/2022) are enforced at Western Nevada College.
  2. All network resource-related directives contained in the NSHE Computing Resources Policy (approved 6/18/99) and NevadaNet Acceptable Use Policy (revised 5/30/23) are enforced at 情色五月天. These policies may be obtained at:
  1. NSHE Computing Resources Policy, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 23 approved 12/2022
  2. NevadaNet Acceptable Use Policy (Revised 5/30/2023)

Section 2: Computer and Network Use Agreement

  1. Each employee, student, and member of the public who requests to use computer resources at 情色五月天 must comply with the Computer and Network Use Agreement. The agreement content may be freely copied onto a separate form for customer signature or online posting, (provided as Attachment 1).

Section 3: Workstation Use

  1. Computer Labs
    Computing labs at 情色五月天 are used to support academic, community, and non-academic training programs.
    1. Types of Computer Labs
      1. Imaged: This type of lab contains specific software used to teach and train software applications and computer use. Each workstation within these labs is imaged and locked down to prevent any changes to the workstation without proper authorization.
      2. Non-imaged: This type of lab is not imaged or locked down. Each workstation may be freely configured to meet the course objectives presented in this lab type.
    2. Use of Computer Labs
      1. Students from ohter NSHE institutions may use any lab in accordance with Western Nevada College Policy No. 8-2-1.
      2. Members of the public or the campus community may reserve labs in accordance with the 情色五月天 Facility Use Policy.
      3. People not enrolled in a 情色五月天 course must have prior approval to use a campus computer lab workstation.
  2. Public Access
    Workstations are provided for use by the student population and the community at large. 
    1. Types of Public Workstations:
      1. Registration: This type of workstation is provided for students or prospective students to register for scheduled classes at 情色五月天. The public may use these workstations for accessing information about the college and courses offered. These workstations are locked down and will not accept any changes made by the user.
      2. Library: This type of workstation is used by students, prospective students, and the public for academic studies, access to information provided by the college, and Internet access. Common software applications are installed primarily for student use to complete class assignments.
      3. Testing: This type of workstation is dedicated for students taking online tests.
    2. Use:
      1. Students may use any public workstation and have priority over the public. Specific use of the workstation is governed by NSHE Computing Resources Policy.
      2. The public is allowed to use Library workstations if available.
  3. Staff/Faculty
    These workstations are provided for use by 情色五月天 staff/faculty and work-study employees. A login name and password is required to access and use any of the employee workstations.
    1. Types of Employee Workstations:
      1. Desktop
      2. Laptop
    2. Use of Employee Workstations
      1. Specific use is governed by NSHE Computing Resources Policy.

Section 4: Files/Forms

  1. Attachment 1: Computer and Network Use Agreement
  2. Attachment 2: NSHE Computing Resources Policy
  3. Attachment 3: NevadaNet Appropriate Use Policy

Date(s) Revised October 6, 2023 Date(s) Reviewed