
Policy: Policy 5-3-3: iPad Policy Date Adopted: Sep 10, 2013
Department: Library & Media Services Contact: Director of Library and Media Services
Statement: The college supports faculty, staff and student use of iPads to enhance classroom instruction and individual productivity. iPads are not purchased for faculty, staff or students to use as personal digital devices. 情色五月天 will only fund wireless iPads. Tablets other than iPads are not supported at this time.

Table of Contents:

  1. Usage Guidelines
  2. Purchasing
  3. Jail Breaking
  4. Privacy
  5. Confidentiality
  6. Applications
  7. Classroom Use
  8. Security
  9. Student Use

Section 1: Usage Guidelines

  1. The same general guidelines for using college-owned computing equipment at 情色五月天 are to be observed with using college-owned iPads. These policies include but are not limited to the following:

Section 2: Purchasing

  1. Media Services will provide a quote when requested but individual departments are responsible for ordering iPads via the normal purchasing process. When received iPads will be sent to Media Services for initial setup. iPads are the property of the department that purchased the iPad.

Section 3: Jail Breaking

  1. Jail breaking is the process of removing the limitations imposed by Apple on an iPad. As the iPad remains the property of the college, any attempts to jail break an iPad are in direct breach of this policy. Jail breaking can be detected by college Computing Services staff.

Section 4: Privacy

  1. Do not take or distribute photos, sound or video recordings of people, including background figures and voices, without their permission.

Section 5: Confidentiality

  1. Confidential college data must not be stored on the device for privacy, security, and compliance reasons. Confidential personally identifiable information includes but is not limited to Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, financial/banking information or information that qualifies as confidential information under FERPA or HIPPA regulations. Loss or theft of a college owned iPad must be reported promptly to Media Services staff in order to remotely wipe data from the device and to notify affected individuals.

Section 6: Applications

  1. The college will provide certain productivity and security software to all college iPad users. To purchase specific Apps users should email Library & Instructional Technology IT staff with their requested App information. After department approval for the expenditure, the App will be purchased and installation information sent to the user. Free Apps can be installed by users utilizing a division or department specific generic Apple ID. 情色五月天 will not fund magazine subscriptions for faculty and staff. Games are not allowed on college owned iPads unless designed specifically for classroom use. Management applications and configuration profiles have been installed to monitor and track iPads. Users must agree not to remove these applications and profiles.

Section 7: Classroom Use

  1. The ability to project iPad displays using campus projectors is dependent on the application used and available adapters and cannot be assured in all cases. It is highly recommended that any intended use of iPads with projectors be tested in advance with the appropriate hardware.

Section 8: Security

  1. Users will promptly notify Media Services staff as soon as possible in the event of the loss or theft of a college owned iPad. Users are not permitted to store any student data that qualifies as confidential information under FERPA regulations on their iPads. All users must have password protection activated on any college-owned iPad. Media Services will update iPads on an annual basis.

Section 9: Student Use

  1. Students using college owned iPads must agree to abide by the 情色五月天 iPad policy and policy 8-1-2, the 情色五月天 Computing and Network Use Agreement.

Date(s) Revised   Date(s) Reviewed