
Policy: Policy 4-5-1-3: Internal Searches Date Adopted: Apr 25, 2000
Department: Human Resources Contact: Vice President of Human Resources and General Counsel
Statement: This policy sets forth the search and selection utilizing an internal search process to fill professional full-time (50% or more) academic or administrative faculty position vacancies.

Table of Contents:

  1. Definition
  2. Notification
  3. Recruitment and Screening
  4. Recommendation

Section 1: Definition

  1. An internal search is defined as opening a professional full time (50% FTE or more) academic or administrative faculty vacancy to qualified candidates who are employed full time (50% or more) at 情色五月天 (情色五月天), and have already gone through a 情色五月天 external search process.

Section 2: Notification

  1. If, after reviewing the minimum qualifications for the position, the supervising administrator determines that there is at least one qualified internal candidate and there is a need for an internal search, a memorandum would be initiated to the President recommending approval. The memo should explain the rationale of conducting an internal search versus an external search (Refer to hiring Academic and Administrative Faculty Policy in the 情色五月天 Policies and Procedures Manual). The College President has final approval.
  2. If an internal search is approved, the search committee will be established pursuant to college bylaws.

Section 3: Recruitment and Screening

  1. The supervising administrator making the recommendation may serve on the search committee.
  2. The Committee shall meet, develop and approve the requirements in accordance with the qualifications, experience, and duties for the vacant position.
  3. The position announcement will be forwarded to the Human Resources Office for review and processing.
  4. All positions will be open for a minimum of14days.
  5. Human Resources will notify the college community by e-mail, and will post the position announcement on the 情色五月天 HR Job Opportunities web page.
  6. Applicants will be asked to submit a cover letter, detailed resume, names and addresses of three current references and the Pre-employment Information Form to the Human Resources Office by the deadline date. The applicants may be asked for additional information or written approval to review their Personnel file by the committee chairperson.
  7. The Human Resources Office will have the resumes available as soon as possible after the posted deadline date.
    1. The chairperson should check with the Human Resources Office before scheduling meetings with the Committee.
  8. The chair of the committee shall not call the next meeting for a minimum of five working days after the applications have been distributed without the committees approval.
  9. Irregularities. Any irregularities shall be reported to the college president by the Affirmative Action Officer or committee chair.

Section 4: Recommendation

  1. The search committee chair will advise the appropriate vice president in writing of their final recommendation.
    1. The vice president will review and, if recommending approval, forward the recommendation on to the President for final approval and signature.
    2. The final approval will be sent to the Human Resources Office and to the chair of the search committee.
  2. Upon approval from the President, the vice president shall contact the selected person and confirm acceptance.
  3. After the person has been chosen and has accepted the position, the committee chair will inform the other candidates of the decision. The Human Resources Office will follow-up the phone calls with letters, if necessary, informing all applicants that the position has been filled.
  4. Should the recommended candidate refuse the position, the Chair shall recommend another candidate from those interviewed or recommend that an external search process begin.
  5. For each applicant, an Application Review/Interview Record form must be completed in detail by the chairperson of the Committee and returned with the resumes to the Human Resources Office. It is the responsibility of the chair to follow-up to make sure all search requirements are completed including all written approvals before the process is deemed completed.

Date(s) Revised September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004; Date(s) Reviewed