
Policy: Policy 4-5-1-2: Hiring Academic and Administrative Faculty Date Adopted: Nov 26, 1998
Department: Human Resources Contact: Human Resources 
Statement: This policy sets forth the method by which academic and administrative faculty (.50 FTE and above) at 情色五月天 are selected for employment. All searches will be conducted in accordance with the NSHE Board of Regents Handbook provisions, 情色五月天 Bylaws, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action.

Section 1: Notification

  1. The hiring department submits a request to initiate the search.
  2. The president will offer the opportunity to nominate members to the search committee (herein referred to as the committee) from the Academic and Administrative faculty senates, and the Classified council. The composition of the committee should include no less than five members with the majority representing the area where the position reports including the position's supervisor, if possible, but with at least one other 情色五月天 faculty and staff member. The committee may include community members and other NSHE staff.
  3. The president appoints all committee members and designates a temporary chair to call the first meeting. The chair should be the appropriate supervisor in the area of the vacancy, such as the position's immediate supervisor, director, or manager, if possible. The president notifies the committee members in writing of their appointment and copies the Human Resources (HR) office.

Section 2: Recruitment and Screening

  1. The hiring manager submits the final position to HR, who will draft the recruitment for appropriate reviews and approvals. The position requirements may be reviewed by the committee at a later date.
  2. Upon approval, HR will post the position announcement and may advertise the posting per the Recruitment and Interview Expense Policy.
  3. All recruitments will be open for a minimum of 15 calendar days. The position announcement will state the date the recruitment will close or that the recruitment will be open until the position is filled.
  4. It is the responsibility of the temporary chair to call the first meeting of the committee. During the first committee meeting, the committee will elect a chair to serve for the duration of the search.
  5. The committee will meet to review the position requirements, develop interview and reference check questions for HR approval, and establish an estimated time-frame for committee meetings, applicant reviews including evaluations of minimum qualifications, and interviews.
  6. The chair is responsible for ensuring each search committee member completes a confidentiality/nondisclosure form and training assigned by the HR office.
  7. HR will grant search committee members access to view and rank applications.
  8.  The committee will select candidates for first-round interviews and provide the names to the recruiter.
  9. The Affirmative Action officer or designee will conduct a review of the applicant pool and the candidates chosen for first-round interviews.
  10. After first-round interviews, the committee may choose to complete reference checks, specified in section M, prior to conducting second-round interviews. The chair notifies the recruiter of those applicants selected for second-round interviews.
  11. The Affirmative Action officer or designee will conduct a review of the candidates chosen for second-round interviews.
  12. The search committee or hiring department will contact and arrange to bring the candidates to campus for second-round interviews.
  13. For tenure track or director-level positions and above, this will include a time for the president or designee to meet with the candidates.
  14. Travel reimbursements will conform to Recruitment and Interview Expense Policy. The Recruitment and Interview Expense Policy will be provided to candidates prior to scheduling their on-campus interviews.
  15. Once interviews are complete, the committee will conduct reference checks on the top candidate, or the top two candidates in the case of a tie, unless the completed reference checks before second-round interviews
    1. The committee must attempt to contact at least three references.
    2. If the committee is unable to reach at least three references, the committee must document their attempts to reach references.

Section 3: Recommendation

  1. When second-round interviews are complete, the committee will send a recommendation to the president and the hiring manager including a ranking of the final candidates; their qualifications, strengths, weaknesses; and, if applicable, a note of any finalists that the committee does not for the appointment.
  2. Upon the president's approval of the selected candidate and the salary placement , the hiring manager shall contact the selected candidate and offer the position.
  3. The hiring manager will notify the president, the search committee chair, HR, and the 情色五月天 Budget Office of the offer acceptance and start date.
  4. Once the position has been accepted, the committee will notify the candidates who were interviewed but not selected. The HR office will update the job posting status and an automated email will be sent informing all applicants that the position has been filled.

Section 4: Irregularities

  1. The Affirmative Action officer and the committee chair shall report any problems during the search and selection process to the college president.

Section 5: Exceptions

  1. If at any time during the search process, there is a consensus; either by the committee and/or vice president/president that the applicant pool is insufficient, a decision will be made on how to proceed with the search. The administration agrees to support this decision as long as the reasons are not discriminatory.
  2. It is understood that the terms of this policy can be changed or altered only with the written approval of the college president.
  3. In accordance with Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 8, Section 8.2, the institutional president or chancellor may waive the search requirement where he or she determines the waiver to be in the best interests of the institution or System unit.

Date(s) Revised May 5, 2023; October 6, 2015; June 20, 2013; September 2, 2008; September 18, 2007; May 8, 2007; December 20, 2005; May 11, 2004; November 19, 2002; January 29, 2002; January 25, 2000; Date(s) Reviewed February 15, 2023