
Policy: Policy 4-3-8: Classified Tuition Reimbursement Date Adopted: Feb 01, 1994
Department: Human Resources Contact: Vice President of Human Resources and General Counsel
Statement: A maximum of six credits per semester will be reimbursed through this policy. A maximum of four credits per semester can be taken as job required. The remaining two credits or all six credits may be taken as job related or career/personal development courses. Reimbursement will be made after the courses are successfully completed with a grade of "C" or above (or "pass" in the case of pass/fail courses). Courses taken for audit are not eligible for tuition reimbursement. If the employee does not pass the class with a "C" or above, he/she will be responsible for all costs associated with the class.

Table of Contents:

  1. Tuition Reimbursement
  2. Job Required Courses at 情色五月天
  3. Job Related Courses at any NSHE Institution
  4. Career/Personal Development Courses
  5. Time Off Guidelines
  6. Exceptions

Section 1: Tuition Reimbursement

  1. All classified staff members are encouraged to take courses that are both job required, job related or for their own enrichment.
    1. Courses taken by classified employees are subject to the provision of NRS 284.343 and NAC 284.482 through 284.522.
    2. Classified employees must be .50 FTE or more and have been employed as a classified staff member at least six months before the start of the semester.
  2. Job required classes are to be taken only at 情色五月天. Job related and career/personal development classes may be taken at any NSHE institution.
  3. The completed Request for Tuition Reimbursement form must be approved by the immediate supervisor, the appropriate dean or director, and the division vice president.
    1. This form is then forwarded to the 情色五月天 Human Resources Office.
    2. The form should be approved and submitted before the first class meeting in order to receive reimbursement.
  4. 情色五月天, Other NSHE institution courses:
    1. All NSHE institution courses: After HR receives the approved tuition reimbursement and it is approved by the HR Office, HR will give a copy of the form to the Business Office to defer the tuition of the course at 情色五月天 until the end of the semester or to process tuition payment at other NSHE institutions.
    2. Courses must be successfully completed with a C or above and the employee has up to two weeks following the end of the semester to provided the 情色五月天 Human Resources Office with proof of completion. If the course is not passed with a C or better, the employee must reimburse the full amount for the course following the repayment agreement listed on the tuition reimbursement form.
  5. If payment for books is approved, the employee will be responsible for paying for the books and providing the 情色五月天 Human Resources Office with the receipt. Book fees will be reimbursed along with the course fees after successful completion.

Section 2: Job Required Courses at 情色五月天

  1. Tuition will be reimbursed up to four credits per semester, providing the course is required to complete the current job.
  2. Job required courses include those courses needed to enable the employee to meet the standards of performance for the current position; and those that would be required to update the employees skills, knowledge and techniques in the current position.
  3. The immediate supervisor, the dean or director, and the division vice president must approve the taking of any job-required courses by employees under their jurisdiction.
  4. Time off for the approved classes will be on other paid leave status and will not require that the time taken from work be made up.
  5. Registration and related fees (i.e. per-credit-hour fees, lab fees and required books) will be paid.

Section 3: Job Related Courses at any NSHE Institution

  1. Courses may be taken at any NSHE institution.
    1. Tuition will be reimbursed up to six credits per semester for courses that relate to the responsibilities of the current position and would be beneficial to the operation of the department, but are not necessarily required to meet the standards of performance.
    2. The immediate supervisor, the dean or director and the division vice president must approve the taking of any courses by employees under their jurisdiction. Registration and related fees (i.e. per credit hour fees, lab fees, and required books) will be paid.

Section 4: Career/Personal Development Courses

  1. Courses may be taken at any NSHE Institution.
    1. Tuition will be reimbursed up to six (6) credits per semester for other credit courses that a classified employee may be interested in taking that would not qualify as job required or job related.
    2. These classes may include courses toward completion of a degree, career development, or personal enrichment.
    3. Community Services classes are not eligible for reimbursement.
    4. The immediate supervisor, the dean or director, and the division vice president must approve the course(s) for reimbursement.
    5. Registration and related fees (i.e. per credit hour fees and lab fees) will be paid.
    6. Fees for books and other expenses will not be reimbursed.

Section 5: Time Off Guidelines

  1. When registering for job related or career/personal development classes, these guidelines are to be followed:
    1. Any release time to take classes during the work period must be charged to annual leave or compensatory time. Alternatively, the employees supervisor may approve a variable work schedule to allow the employee to make up the time through rescheduling of the workday.
    2. A one-half to one-hour meal break must be allotted to each employee.
    3. Breaks are not cumulative and cannot be combined with the lunch hour and/or beginning or end of the workday.

Section 6: Exceptions

  1. Any exceptions to this education policy will be made only with the advance written recommendation of the appropriate dean/director and with the approval of the division vice president.
  2. An individual department may elect to pay for additional courses, seminars, workshops, etc. for their employees. These fees are to be paid by each department.

Date(s) Revised January 18, 2011; November 4, 2008; September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004; April 20, 1999; March 26, 1996; Date(s) Reviewed  

NSHE Code(s)   NRS Code(s) 284.343; 284.482; 284.522 NAC Code(s)  
Code Statement  
*Please note: that not all 情色五月天 Policies will be referenced in these documents.
情色五月天 ByLaws