
Policy: Policy 4-1-9: Procedures for the Protection of Children Date Adopted: Jan 14, 2014
Department: Human Resources Contact: Vice President of Administrative and Legal Services

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Public Events and Venues
  3. Definitions
  4. Policy for the Protection of Children

Section 1: Introduction

  1. 情色五月天 is committed to maintaining a supportive and safe educational environment, one which seeks to enhance the well-being of all members of the 情色五月天 community, which includes creating a secure environment for children who may participate in 情色五月天 programs or activities, or be present at 情色五月天 facilities or events. The 情色五月天 procedures for the protection of children are intended for the protection of all children who participate in 情色五月天 events or activities for children or who are 情色五月天 students.

Section 2: Public Events and Venues

  1. Children are permitted at events and venues open to the public on 情色五月天 property. 情色五月天 reserves the right to determine whether selected events or venues are appropriate for unescorted or unsupervised children.

Section 3: Definitions

  1. Child A child is anyone under 18 years of age or, if in school, until graduation from high school, and includes children under the age of 18 years who are registered as 情色五月天 students. The terms child, minor, and children are used synonymously in this policy.
  2. Volunteer The term volunteer means individuals who are working at 情色五月天 pursuant to a volunteer agreement approved by 情色五月天s general counsel. For the purposes of this policy, the term volunteer does not include a parent or guardian of a child. Parents and guardians, however, should be supervised by appropriate 情色五月天 or non-情色五月天 personnel during their participation in 情色五月天 sponsored or approved programs and activities.
  3. Child abuse or Neglect Child abuse or neglect is defined in accordance with the provisions of NRS 432B.020-NRS 432B.150.
  4. Program or Activity Involving Children Program or activity involving children applies to programs or activities established by 情色五月天 that are specifically created for and intended to involve children, and programs or activities for children sponsored by outside persons or entities which are permitted to take place at 情色五月天 facilities. Program or activity involving children does not include events (such as concerts, plays, sporting events) or facilities (such as the 情色五月天 caf or bookstore) that are open to the public. Program or activity involving children does not include 情色五月天 students who are under the age of 18 who are taking regular classes.

Section 4: Policy for the Protection of Children

  1. Reports of Child Abuse or Neglect by All 情色五月天 Personnel All 情色五月天 employees and volunteers who have reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred at a 情色五月天 facility or during 情色五月天 programs or activities, must report the suspected abuse or neglect to law enforcement or a child welfare agency as soon as possible and within 24 hours. Retaliation against any individual who makes a report of child abuse or neglect is prohibited.
  2. Supervision and Protection of Children All children who participate in 情色五月天 programs and activities involving children must be appropriately supervised at all times. A child must be immediately removed from a dangerous situation involving suspected child abuse or neglect or other inappropriate conduct, or conduct which presents a threat to the childs health and safety.
  3. Policy and Procedure In order to implement this child protection policy, 情色五月天 will take the following steps:
    1. In January of every year, the Dean of Student Services shall inventory all childrens programs intended to be held in the calendar year and provide the President, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (VPASA), the Vice President for Administration/General Counsel (VPA/GC), the Vice President for Finance (VPF), and the Director of Public Safety a list of all childrens programs.
    2. In January of every year, the vice presidents, the Dean of Student Services, and the Director of Public Safety shall meet to review the security of all childrens programs, including considering measures that may be appropriate for the protection of students from sex offenders who are registered with 情色五月天. Such measures may include reviewing class schedules of registered sex offenders to determine whether they relate to or are in close proximity to childrens programs and restricting sex offenders access to courses and/or the internet.
    3. Before 情色五月天 approves the use of a 情色五月天 facility by any outside person or entity (applicant), the applicant shall state, in writing, whether or not the program or activity is a childrens program, as defined in this policy. If it is a childrens program, 情色五月天 shall provide a copy of this procedure and the NSHE policy regarding the protection of children and the applicant shall state in writing the person or entitys procedures for the protection of children. The vice presidents and the Director of Public Safety shall review the information provided and may deny the applicant the use of a 情色五月天 facility if the policies or procedures are inadequate.
    4. 情色五月天 shall identify all 情色五月天 mandatory reporters of child abuse pursuant to NRS 432B.220-NRS 432B.250 and shall provide training materials regarding the mandatory reporter requirements upon initial hiring and at least every two years.
    5. 情色五月天 shall provide a copy of the NSHE Child Protection Polices and the 情色五月天 procedure to all employees who supervise or work in programs or activities involving children upon initial hiring and at least every two years.
    6. The NSHE Child Protection Polices and 情色五月天s procedures shall be posted on the 情色五月天 website with the Division of Child and Family Services toll-free number and/or other law enforcement telephone numbers to receive reports of child abuse or neglect.
    7. In the event of a report or complaint of alleged child abuse or neglect, 情色五月天 shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the incident(s) giving rise to the report or complaint and provide a confidential notice of such incident(s) to the chancellor and Chair of the Board of Regents. Such investigation may be postponed by the President if such investigation would interfere with any investigation by law enforcement or child protection agency.

Date(s) Revised   Date(s) Reviewed