
Policy: Policy 3-4-2: Campus Plan For Admission, Recruitment, and Retention of Minority Students Date Adopted: Mar 26, 1990
Department: Dean of Student Services Office Contact: Dean of Student Services
Statement: 情色五月天 will continue to offer an open door to all students, regardless of race or color, while reaffirming to minority students the promise of social integration, empowerment, and increased quality of life through education.

Table of Contents:

  1. Background Information
  2. Campus Minority Plan
  3. Evaluation and Reporting

Section 1: Background Information

  1. As a part of the Nevada System of Higher Education, 情色五月天 provides access to quality comprehensive educational opportunities to residents in its service area. Based on this premise, and in response to the charge by the Board of Regents, the president, faculty and staff are prepared to make a commitment to a campus plan on minority admissions, recruitment, and retention on behalf of 情色五月天. This plan, comprehensive in nature, will be supported by the college at large.
  2. The college recognizes the urgent need to increase the participation of minority populations in higher education to serve the current and future needs of our state and nation. Inherent in this need is the necessity of the college to do more than just enroll more minority students. It is imperative to assure that students can successfully complete their course of study. 情色五月天 will view this task as a continually evolving process.
  3. It would be unrealistic for the college to strive to recruit and admit large number of minorities, as its service area has limited numbers of minority residents. Therefore, the plan will focus on the advocacy of affirmative action.

Section 2: Campus Minority Plan

  1. The Campus Minority Plan will be directed toward three areas:
    1. the students served, in relation to recruitment, admission, and retention;
    2. the currently employed faculty, administration, and staff; and
    3. recruitment of minority faculty and staff.
  2. Recruitment, Admission, and Retention
    1. Although the college is cognizant of the needs of all minority groups, the bulk of minorities residing within its service area are Hispanics and Native Americans. Therefore, strategies for recruitment of students will be directed toward Hispanics and Native Americans.
      1. The predominant vehicle for increasing the enrollment of Hispanics is English as a second language.
      2. A top priority in the use of state funding is the creation of a staff position to serve as a liaison between the college and representatives from Native American tribes in the local communities.
      3. The college counseling staff will continue to work closely with Native American organizations.
    2. Further efforts to enhance minority outreach include increasing awareness of the college in the community through current working relationships with high schools and four-year institutions, as outlined in the colleges goals.
      1. Marketing efforts will continue to be expanded throughout the colleges service area.
      2. The JOIN and Single Parent programs currently enroll many minority students in the college. This trend is anticipated to continue.
    3. Recognizing that the most critical barrier to minorities is higher education is lack of preparation, 情色五月天 will seek additional resources for tutorial assistance and special instruction materials to assist minority students.
      1. Carson campus and the Fallon campus, providing tutorial assistance in math, English, study skills, etc.
      2. The college assessment program is presently being revised and currently the college operates academic skills centers at the expanded to ensure student success by placing students in courses that are appropriate for their abilities.
    4. Plans for a minority student scholarship are presently in progress. Grants, scholarships and college work-study will be strongly encouraged, while loans will be discouraged.
      1. Further support services include orientation sessions and the establishment of a Spanish language registration form.
      2. The college is considering hiring bilingual aids during registration to provide an early positive experience for Hispanic Students.
  3. Faculty, Administration, and Staff
    1. A critical element in the retention of minority students is the attitude of the faculty, staff and administration toward minorities. These individuals have a predominant role in providing a positive academic experience for students.
    2. Each employee of the college will be expected to assume a wider, more intense role in adding minority students adjustment to college. All will have the responsibility of becoming familiar with the campus minority plan, and will be asked to evaluate their attitudes toward minority students.
    3. A workshop will address these issues and will strive to increase awareness and sensitivity to the diverse cultures, values, and needs of minority students.
  4. Minority Faculty and Staff
    1. To further enrich the minority student experience, the college is prepared to actively recruit, employ and retain qualified minority faculty and staff. The affirmative action officer will increase efforts to attract qualified minority candidates. Minority faculty and staff will provide role models and mentors for minority students, thereby increasing the existing campus support systems. This would visually reaffirm the colleges commitment and support for minority participation in higher education at 情色五月天.
    2. A committee will be established to implement and evaluate the campus minority plan. The committee will include the affirmative action officer, the current 情色五月天 members of the NSHE Minority Task Force, and a representative from the faculty, staff, administration, students, campus development program, and the community. A strong effort will be made to locate a minority student to serve on this committee.

Section 3: Evaluation and Reporting

  1. Several methods will be used to evaluate the colleges endeavors in implementing this campus plan.
    1. Periodic comparisons will be made between the colleges and the communitys minority populations, and between the colleges minority and total student population. This information will determine any gains in minority matriculation
    2. An ongoing dialogue will occur between representatives from other NSHE colleges through the existing NSHE Minority Task Force.
    3. The 情色五月天 minority committee will periodically review the strengths and weaknesses of the campus plan, and will assess the colleges progress toward minority admissions, recruitment, and retention.
    4. The committee will provide annual feedback and propose recommendations regarding the plan to the college president.
  2. The report from the Commission on the Future of Community Colleges stresses the obligation of community colleges to serve a diversity of students and increase efforts to serve minority groups.
  3. 情色五月天 declares and reaffirms with pride and conviction its commitment to a goal of equality of opportunity and in serving all racial and ethnic groups.

Date(s) Revised September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004; Date(s) Reviewed