
Policy: Policy 3-4-1: Admission, Registration, Grades, and Examinations Date Adopted: Jan 24, 1995
Department: Dean of Student Services Office Contact: Dean of Student Services
Statement: Discrimination Prohibited: There shall be no discrimination in the admission of students on account of sex, color, race or creed, or national origin.

Table of Contents:

  1. General Admission
  2. Admission to Advanced Standing
  3. Registration
  4. Classification of Students
  5. Grades and Examination
  6. Requirements for Graduation

Section 1: General Admission

  1. 情色五月天 will admit to its general programs any U.S. citizen, immigrant, or qualified international student who meets the following requirements:
    1. is at least 18 years old; or
    2. is a high school graduate; or
    3. has completed the General Education Development (GED) Test with a 12th grade equivalency.
  2. All applicants for admission shall complete such tests, furnish such information, and meet such deadlines as required by the regulations published in the admissions section of the catalog governing the semester of initial enrollment.
  3. Admission to 情色五月天 implies general admission to the college only and does not constitute admission to a specific curriculum or courses which may require additional admission criteria as published in the college catalog governing the semester of initial enrollment.
  4. Programs designated as limited entry require fulfillment of selective admissions criteria as contained in the institutional catalog and other appropriate college documents. Continuation in selective admissions programs is likewise contingent upon fulfillment of conditions specified by the institution and contained in official institutional documents.

Section 2: Admission to Advanced Standing

  1. The college will accept a maximum of 45 semester credits toward an approved associate degree, with the following limitations:
    1. A maximum of 45 semester credits may be accepted from other colleges and universities.
    2. A maximum of 30 semester credits may be accepted from credit by examination.
    3. A maximum of 15 semester credits may be accepted from non-traditional sources.
  2. The college may accept a maximum of 15 semester credits of previous training, education, or credit by examination toward a Certificate of Achievement.
  3. Acceptance of various types of credit will be governed by the Colleges Transfer Credit Policy.

Section 3: Registration

  1. Registration procedures shall be developed in conjunction with the Instructional Divisions and shall be published by the Office of Student Services.
  2. Registration is not complete until all fees are paid and all registration materials are filed with the registrar.
  3. A student whose record indicates a delinquent indebtedness to the college for registration fees will be placed on financial hold for future registration, transcript, or diploma or certificate privileges.
  4. A student who wishes to enroll for more than 18 semester credits must obtain the approval of a college counselor or instruction center coordinator.
  5. The college shall have the right to define prerequisites or concurrent enrollment for registration for specific classes.
  6. Definition of student enrollment status:
    1. Full-time student: 12 semester credits or more
    2. Three-quarter-time student: 9 11 semester credits
    3. Half-time student: 6 8 semester credits
  7. A student may drop a course anytime prior to the last day of instruction.
  8. The registration of a student who is ineligible to attend the college is subject to immediate cancellation.

Section 4: Classification of Students

  1. Freshman: Less than 30 Credit Hours Earned
  2. Sophomore: 30 or more credit hours earned

Section 5: Grades and Examination

  1. The NSHE grading policy is identified in section titled Grading Policy
  2. Pass/W Students may elect to be graded on a Pass/W basis for developmental, community service, and physical education courses.
  3. Repeat Students may repeat any course. Only the highest grade is counted as part of their total grade point average. Students may repeat certain courses for additional credit as defined in the college catalog.
  4. Audit Students may elect to take any course for an audit grade. No credit and no grade points are earned if an audit grade is elected.
  5. Final Examinations The instructor is responsible for the proper evaluation of each enrolled student throughout the instructional period.
  6. Grade Point Average The students grade point average is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total of semester credit hours attempted, excluding repeated courses and courses in which a grade of P, W, AD, or I was recorded.
  7. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in order to be considered as progressing in a normal fashion toward a degree or certificate.

Section 6: Requirements for Graduation

  1. Each Associate Degree or Certificate of Achievement student is required to satisfy his/her program requirements. In addition, the United States and Nevada Constitution requirements must be fulfilled for the Associate Degree.
  2. A student may select either the catalog year under which he/she initially enrolls or the year under which he/she will complete the curriculum requirements for an Associate Degree or a Certificate of Achievement. If a degree is offered for the first time after a student has enrolled, the student may choose the catalog year in which the degree or major was first offered. In no case may students use a catalog which is more than six years old at the time of graduation.
  3. A student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
  4. A student must complete a minimum of 15 semester credit hours within the college.
  5. The required minimum number of semester hours for the Associate in Arts, Associate in Applied Science, and the Associate in General Studies degrees is 60, and for the Certificate of Achievement is 30.
  6. A student must not have a financial or library obligation toward 情色五月天.
  7. A student must formally apply for graduation according to the procedures publicized in the college catalog.

Date(s) Revised September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004; Date(s) Reviewed