
Policy: Policy 3-2-4: Full-Time Teaching Faculty Job Description Date Adopted:  
Department: Academic & Student Affairs Contact: Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
Statement: Full-time teaching faculty shall abide by the standard outlined in the job description.


Section 1: Teaching and Advising

  1. Teach 15 credits or 20 contact hours per week.
  2. Meet each class as scheduled at the time, place and for length of time designated.
  3. Maintain a minimum of five (5) posted student advisement office hours a week.
  4. Be available during regularly scheduled registration to serve as an advisor and assistant for students in the registration process.

Section 2: Meetings

  1. Attend all 情色五月天 college-wide and divisional or departmental meetings, as scheduled and announced.
  2. Attend appropriate curricular advisory committee meetings.
  3. Attend professional developmental meetings and participate in professional development activities.
  4. Serve on committees, college task forces, workshops, and other college improvement activities, as needed.

Section 3: Course Materials

  1. Prepare course materials.
  2. Provide each student at the beginning of each course with the following:
    1. goals and objectives/content for the course of study
    2. titles of required and supplementary textbooks to be used
    3. course attendance requirements
    4. planned schedule of examinations, field trips, and other special activities
    5. out-of-class assignment policy
    6. method of evaluating student progress toward and achievement of, course goals and objectives, including method by which the final grade is derived
    7. information about consultation/appointment availability procedures
    8. other information which informs students of requirements established by the instructor for meeting course objectives
  3. Periodically review the progress of each student and inform each student of his/her progress toward achieving course objectives.
  4. Work with division, department, administrative services, campus and other designated classified staff in the development of course materials, printed information, brochures, and other information which may be needed in the teaching or promotion of the colleges curriculum.

Section 4: Grading

  1. Plan and administer a fair and equitable grading policy.
  2. Maintain attendance and grade records; keep copies of records for one year.
  3. Return all class list and grade reports correctly completed at the time requested.

Section 5: Textbooks

  1. Review proposed new textbooks as requested by department, division, or other appropriate chairpersons or administrators.
  2. Order textbooks within the prescribed deadline requirements.

Section 6: Other Duties

  1. Fulfill other responsibilities as described in the full-time teaching faculty members annual prospectus; these must be accepted by the appropriate administrator.
  2. Complete other duties as assigned.

Date(s) Revised September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004; Date(s) Reviewed