
Policy: Policy 3-2-3: Academic Faculty Workload Date Adopted: Jul 08, 2008
Department: Academic & Student Affairs Contact: Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs, Academic Faculty Senate Chair
Statement: The purpose of an academic workload policy is to provide the following: A guide that places students' educational and developmental needs as our highest priority while insuring the best use of institutional resources. A measure of institutional efficiency to external audiences Equitable treatment of all Academic Faculty Impetus for institutional development A measure of financial accountability An equitable measure of workload


Section 1: Responsibilities of Full-Time Instructional Faculty

  1. As stated in Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 3, number 3, instructional faculty members are expected to teach; develop curriculum; conduct other instructional activities, including advising, grading, and preparing for classes; maintain currency in their academic discipline; and perform public and professional service, service to the institution, and similar academic activities.
  2. An Instructional Faculty Member
    1. Reports to appropriate Academic Director.
    2. Works cooperatively within the learning community.
    3. Provides instruction:
      1. Teaches students in assigned classes in accordance with official course outlines.
      2. Responds to the needs of students as learners and consumers by providing high quality educational programs and services.
      3. Prepares individual course syllabi before instruction begins and distributes them to students and to Academic Director on or before the first day of class.
      4. Selects textbooks for classes.
      5. Maintains scheduled office hours.
      6. Identifies supplies, equipment, and other learning resources needed to support instruction and makes recommendations to Academic Director.
      7. Maintains accurate class records of student grades and rosters.
    4. Availability to students:
      1. Faculty Members are expected to be available to students and take an active role in student advising on all 171 contract days.
      2. In general, Instructional Faculty will be present on campus following a schedule established with Academic Director.
      3. Absences from campus, for activities such as conferences or professional development, must be approved by the Academic Director and the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
      4. Should an emergency or illness require class cancellation, the Faculty Member will work collaboratively with the Academic Director to arrange for class make-up, faculty substitute, or alternate student assignment.
      5. Faculty will maintain student advisement hours, which will be posted on office doors during the first week of classes and announced on all class syllabi.
      6. Full-time Faculty must schedule student advisement hours totaling at least five hours per week.
    5. Service to the institution is a normal requirement of all full-time Faculty. Faculty Members are expected to identify service to the college in their annual self-evaluations. Service contributions may include:
      1. Serving as the advisor of a student organization as approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
      2. Serving as the chair of a college standing committee
      3. Serving in a productive manner on a college standing committee as attested to by the chair of the committee
      4. Representing the college in a significant NSHE project or national professional organization as approved by the Vice President or the President.
      5. Participating in a division or curriculum activity that significantly enhances an academic program, such as a significant and extraordinary assessment or program review activity
      6. Participating in any other productive work that supports the college and its students as negotiated and approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs or the President.
      7. Participating in peer-evaluation processes.
      8. Serving on senate, college and/or system committees.
      9. Participating in planning and budgeting processes.
      10. Attending meetings and actively supporting college functions.
      11. Participating in program review and academic program assessment.
    6. Professional development:
      1. Engages in professional development activities, maintains currency in assigned teaching fields, and keeps informed on new approaches to instruction.
      2. Maintains occupational/technical/professional credentials, if applicable, with the support of college resources.
    7. Prepares an annual self-evaluation in accordance with 情色五月天 bylaws.
    8. Promotes college educational programs and services to our communities.
    9. Performs other related duties as assigned.

Section 2: Institutional Responsibilities

  1. 情色五月天 endorses academic freedom as defined by the American Association of University Professors 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure.
  2. Furthermore, the institution is committed to providing the following, within resources available:
    1. The establishment and maintenance of a learning environment in which faculty can practice their profession as college teachers to the maximum advantage of their students and themselves.
    2. As much opportunity for study, professional advancement, and attendance at professional conferences as is consistent with the needs of the Colleges mission.
    3. Adequate instructional support, resources, and office facilities.
    4. The provision of a clearly-stated set of board and institutional policies.
    5. Opportunity to participate in both the setting of policy and decision-making, particularly as related to instruction and matters directly concerned with faculty welfare.
    6. Open channels of communication which allow the faculty to express their views, make recommendations, air grievances, and see appropriate action individually or collectively through authorized representatives.
    7. A salary schedule which compares favorably with those of similar institutions, and is as high as possible while remaining consistent with sound budgeting, and an opportunity to qualify for movement on that salary schedule as determined by the Academic Faculty Senate Professional Advancement Committee.
    8. A program of benefits: leave-of-absence program; sick leave policy; surgical medical, and major medical benefits; dental benefits; group life insurance, and retirement.
    9. An administration which accepts as its primary responsibility the support of quality instruction and service to students.
    10. Opportunity for full time faculty to recommend part-time faculty.

Section 3: Full-Time Instructional Faculty Workload

  1. Contracts/Schedules
    1. The instructional unit, defined below, is the basis for determining faculty workload.
    2. The contract period for instructional faculty coincides with the academic calendar, based on a five-day week, excluding holidays. It includes graduation and the period of time before the fall and spring semesters begin as reflected in the Academic Calendar recommended by the Academic Faculty Senate and approved by the Director of Admissions and Records, the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, and the President as in policy (3-2-13). It also includes the time period needed to file student grades and other necessary reports at the end of each semester. Faculty will establish a schedule for campus presence during the contract period in consultation with their Academic Director. The Academic Director will forward all work schedules to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs for approval.
    3. Faculty will complete all necessary reports by the deadlines established by the Office of Admissions and Records.
    4. Prior to each semester, supervisors and Faculty Members will complete a written semester workload agreement to be approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and forwarded to the president.
    5. A minimum of five student advisement hours must be scheduled over at least three days per week at an instructional site.
    6. By the end of the first week of each semester, Faculty Members shall submit a schedule of instruction and student advisement hours to the appropriate Academic Director for review and approval.
    7. Academic Directors will immediately forward approved faculty schedules to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
    8. By the end of the first week of classes, Faculty will post the approved schedule outside their offices, and the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will forward to the appropriate college offices.
  2. Instructional Loads for Instructional Faculty
    1. Full-time Instructional Faculty will teach a minimum of 15 instructional units during the fall academic semester and a minimum of 30 instructional units for the academic year.
    2. Nursing Faculty will teach a minimum of 18 contact hours during the fall academic semester and a minimum of 36 contact units for the academic year (540 hours for the academic year).
    3. HIT, Welding, Machine Tool, and Automotive Faculty will teach on a 35 hour work week for the fall and spring academic semesters.
    4. There shall be a reduced class size of 8 students for clinical hours.
    5. Lecture hours are 50 minutes in duration. Practicum, lab, and clinical hours are 60 minutes in duration.
    6. The load definition formula is provided in section C below and is the same for all full-time faculty.
    7. In addition to the student advisement hours mentioned in the previous section, teaching faculty are expected to spend an average of 15 hours per week in institutional service, such as committee work, and instructional support, such as grading, preparation, or curriculum development. Instructional Faculty will spend 35 hours on their assigned duties per week. The terms of these 35 hours will be developed with Academic Director and documented in the semester workload agreement.
    8. Twenty direct instructional hours per week are required for self-paced contact-hour contracts; 15 hours per week are required for office, institutional service, and other student contacts.
    9. Faculty may be required to teach both days and evenings as well as in different campus/rural center locations.
    10. Class scheduling is driven by the needs of full-time, degree-seeking students. If a division offers a degree, the division undertakes an obligation to assure that students can complete the degree in a timely manner by attending college full time. Academic Director will consult with Lead Faculty, the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, the Director of Institutional Research, and the Director of Counseling to develop schedules of class offerings that meet student needs. The Academic Director, in collaboration with Faculty Members, will then develop appropriate courses and loads so that Instructional Faculty meet student needs.
    11. Faculty may be given specific assignments according to their areas of expertise.
    12. The teaching load of a Faculty Member teaching less than the minimum expected load as stated in Section 3.B.1 will be adjusted, using one or more of the following options, in order of priority:
      1. The assignment of a course previously scheduled to be taught by a part-time instructor.
      2. Course or courses to be offered in the alternate semester schedule.
      3. One or more short courses targeted for specific groups during the same semester.
      4. Duties assigned by appropriate administrators, in consultation with the Academic Director, that relate to the Faculty Members function at 情色五月天.
      5. In the event that option d (above) is exercised, prior, signed approval must be obtained from the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, and a written agreement of the work to be completed with a timeline and a reporting mechanism for specific outcomes must be provided.
  3. Load Definition Formula
    1. Instructional contact-hour definitions:
      1. (LE) Lecture: A lecture requires regular preparation of instructional material and student assignments and includes regular written work assignments graded by the classroom Faculty Member.
      2. (LA) Laboratory: A laboratory requires regular preparation of laboratory assignments and equipment or materials, continual faculty oversight and interaction with students, and regular written work assignments graded by the laboratory Faculty Member.
      3. (S) Studio: A studio requires regular preparation of studio assignments and continual oversight and interaction with the students by the Faculty Member. Operation of one campus gallery is equivalent to one studio course.
      4. (P) Occupational practice: An occupational practicum requires regular preparation of practice assignments and continual faculty oversight and interaction with students.
      5. (C) Clinical: A clinical experience requires regular preparation and grading of clinical assignments, including written work, and continual oversight and interaction with the students.
      6. Note: The Academic Director is charged with recommending to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs the instructional units for any new class. This determination will be based on information provided in the course description and syllabus at the time of course approval.
    2. Load Calculation: The calculation below is based on a 15-week semester. Any deviations from normal semester lengths will be appropriately adjusted to assure that total instructional time per credit hour does not vary.
      1. Full-time Faculty Instructional Load (in instructional units) = Total number of lecture hours per week + (15/18) x Total number of laboratory hours per week + (15/20) x Total number of practicum hours per week + (15/20) x Total number of clinical hours per week.
      2. Full-time Instructional Faculty are required to teach a minimum of 15 instructional units (as defined above) per week in each semester of the academic year. The only deviation from this policy will be reassigned time for administrative responsibilities, as defined below, or special, written arrangements negotiated and approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, and forwarded to the President before the end of the first week of the semester.
      3. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs may choose to place an Academic Faculty Member on an annual contract of longer than 171 days to accommodate certain administrative responsibilities. An agreement on the terms of these responsibilities, their specific duration, and mechanism for reporting outcomes will be signed by both parties and forwarded to the President for approval before a formal contract is issued.

Section 4: Activities That Qualify for Reassigned Time and/or Additional Compensation

  1. Reassigned time is only permitted for administrative assignments. Permissible reassigned time will be defined by the following:
    1. Lead Instructorswill be reassigned 3 instructional units per semester for divisional administrative responsibilities. Any deviation from this policy will require written approval by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and formal, written, notification to the President prior to the end of the first week of the semester.
    2. TheFaculty Senate Chairwill be reassigned 6 instructional units per semester for collegial governance administrative responsibilities (177-day contract).

Section 5: Full Time Instructional Faculty Overloads

  1. By the end of the first week of classes in each semester or prior to mid-semester for open-entry, open-exit classes, Academic Directors will submit to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs any recommendations for teaching overloads. Full time instructional faculty will be limited to 6 units of overload per semester, in compliance with the terms defined below.
  2. Instructional overloads are paid at the part-time rate of instruction.
  3. In general, faculty loads will be 15 instructional units per semester. Occasionally the vice president of Academic and student affairs may approve an overload in excess of 15 instructional units in a given semester.
  4. All overloads are based on the number of instructional units above 15 as computed by the above load formula (3.C.2).
  5. Annual Instructional Faculty contracts are based on loads of 15 instructional units per semester.
  6. Academic Directors are not permitted overloads.
  7. All overload payments are paid on an annual basis before the end of the spring semester.

Section 6: Outside Professional or Scholarly Service

  1. Outside professional or scholarly service by Faculty Members within their subject matter field and for compensation is recognized as a legitimate activity unless specifically prohibited by the employees contract with the institution. Faculty Members engaged in providing compensated outside professional or scholarly service shall provide advance notification in writing to their immediate supervisor about the nature of the work to be performed, the company/organization for which the work will be performed, and the estimated time involved. The request must be approved in advance by the supervisor and the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs within 10 working days unless the supervisor believes that a conflict exists with obligations currently incurred or assumed by the college regarding a Faculty Members consulting activities. Faculty Members engaged in providing outside professional or scholarly service shall comply with NSHE Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 8 regarding Compensated Outside Professional Services.

Section 7: Stipends

  1. Occasionally, the Academic Director may determine that a particular assignment to a full-time Faculty Member makes such an unusual demand of time and rises so far above the level of normal service that additional compensation is warranted. In that event, the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs may choose to provide a stipend for such service. The formal agreement, describing the nature and duration of the service, is signed by both parties and forwarded to the President prior to the beginning of the proposed activity. Stipends are provided on a semester-by-semester basis. The formal agreement does not imply a commitment by the administration to continue to provide such stipends for any activity. Funding of conference or professional development travel is not to be construed as a stipend. No written agreement is required for distance education, self-paced, independent studies, cooperative work experience, internships, or practicums.
  2. Stipends will be calculated as follows:
    1. Distance Education (IAV/Online)
      1. $100 stipend per course
      2. $50 stipend for each student above a 30-student cap
    2. Self-Paced, Independent Studies, Cooperative Work Experience, Internships and Practicums
      1. $70 per student
    3. Extraordinarily High Student Enrollment
      1. Negotiated with the Academic Director
    4. Team Teaching
      1. Credits will be divided between instructors after consultation with each Instructor and the Academic Director
    5. Additional Duties Deserving Compensation
      1. Negotiated with the Academic Director

Section 8: Non-Instructional Faculty Workload

  1. Contracts/Schedules
    1. The contract period for academic non-teaching faculty coincides with the academic calendar and includes that period of time necessary for the completion of duties specific to that position.
    2. Faculty will be notified by July each year of the required period of service.
    3. At the beginning of each semester, Faculty Members shall submit a schedule of work hours for approval.
  2. Loads for Non-Instructional Faculty
    1. The normal workweek for full-time Academic Support Faculty, including Librarians and Counselors, is 35 hours. Mutually agreed-upon adjustments in support of students will be allowed.
    2. College committee work, college meetings, staff meetings, advising, and registration responsibilities are considered part of the regular workload for Non-Instructional Faculty.
    3. Faculty may be required to work both days and evenings as well as in different campus/rural center locations.
    4. Faculty may be given specific assignments by their appropriate administrator according to their areas of expertise.
    5. In establishing workload, the same mitigating factors listed earlier in this document apply.
  3. Overload Compensation for Non-Instructional Faculty
    1. Overloads will be processed as early as February 1 but no later than June 30 of each year. The Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs must approve exceptions.
    2. Payment will be based upon the approved part-time/overload salary schedule

Date(s) Revised November 1, 2016; June 19, 2013; September 2, 2008; May 09, 2008; Date(s) Reviewed