
Policy: Policy 1-3-1: Campus Closure Date Adopted: Jul 08, 2008
Department: President's Office Contact: Assistant to the President
Statement: In of the event it becomes necessary to close a campus or instructional center due to inclement weather, utility outage, natural disaster or any other reason, every effort will be made to notify students and employees of the closure of a campus or instructional center in a timely manner.

Table of Contents:

  1. Campus/Instructional Center Decision
  2. Decision Made During Hours of Operation
  3. Decision Made During Non-Operating Hours
  4. Campus Open/Classes Not Canceled During Inclement Weather
  5. Instructional Centers
  6. Allied Health
  7. Child Development Center

Section 1: Campus/Instructional Center Decision

  1. The decision to close a campus or instructional center or cancel classes, shall be made independent of other campuses and instructional centers operated by 情色五月天.
  2. The administrator in charge shall make the decision based on the best information available at the time.

Section 2: Decision Made During Hours of Operation

  1. If the decision is made to cancel classes and/or close the campus/instructional center during normal operating hours (8 am to 10 pm, Monday through Friday) the following shall apply:
    1. The administrator in charge shall determine the hour of cancellation or closure and make the announcement via e-mail to all faculty and staff.
    2. The administrator in charge shall make arrangements to inform radio and television stations of the cancellation or closure.
    3. The administrator in charge will make arrangements to have the main phone message and website updated, and media notified of the closure.

Section 3: Decision Made During Non-Operating Hours

  1. If the decision is made to cancel classes and/or close the campus/instructional center during non-operating hours (10:01 pm to 7:59 am, Monday through Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday) the following shall apply:
    1. The administrator in charge shall make arrangements to inform radio and television stations of the cancellation or closure.
    2. The administrator in charge shall contact key administrative staff to solicit assistance in informing as many campus employees as possible about the cancellation or closure.
    3. The administrator in charge shall make arrangements to update voice mail and the college website, if available, to inform those who call regarding the status of the cancellation or closure.

Section 4: Campus Open/Classes Not Canceled During Inclement Weather

  1. Because of the localization of inclement weather in western Nevada, bad weather that affects one area may not affect other areas.
  2. In cases where a campus remains open or classes are not canceled, every effort will be made to keep students informed about individual classes that are canceled due to instructors unavailability.

Section 5: Instructional Centers

  1. When an instructional center is located in a non-college building, closure of the building will dictate cancellation of college classes.

Section 6: Allied Health

  1. The Director of Allied Health is responsible for the cancellation of clinical laboratories in the event of inclement weather.

Section 7: Child Development Center

  1. Whenever, due to weather, utility outage or natural disaster, it is deemed necessary to close the Carson City Campus, the Child Development Center Director or designee shall be notified, so that the Centers procedure for notifying parents to pick up their children can be implemented.

Date(s) Revised November 7, 2017; September 2, 2008; May 11, 2004; Date(s) Reviewed