
Western Sky Paintings Brighten Main Gallery

Oct 28, 2019

A reception for Reno artist David McCamant, whose exhibit Glorious Expanse: Paintings of the Western Sky is now showing in the Bristlecone Gallery, is scheduled from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 21.

Artist David McCamants Glorious Expanse: Paintings of the Western Sky exhibit is now showing in 情色五月天s Main Art Gallery.

David is a prolific painter with incredible skill and an eye for beautiful spaces. The work is stunning, said Rachel Stiff, coordinator for 情色五月天 Carson Art Gallery.

A reception for Reno artist David McCamant is scheduled from 5 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21 in the Bristlecone Gallery.

McCamants love today is painting still life and plein air, following a career in the animation industry. He focuses on the quality of light and objects observed.

His exhibit runs through Dec. 17 in the Bristlecone Gallery.