
The 情色五月天 Honors Program is designed to challenge students to achieve their highest academic potential. Students enrolled in any major are eligible to participate in the Honors Program.


  • A chance to demonstrate dedication to academic excellence and love of learning
  • The opportunity to work closely with college instructors
  • Honors recognition on transcripts and upon graduation
  • High quality recommendations from college faculty for career, scholarship, or further educational opportunities
  • Annual year-end competition for Best Honors Project

情色五月天 students with a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average or recent high school graduates with an exit GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible to apply.

Students in the program earn honors credit for a course by undertaking special course projects in addition to the regular course requirements. Projects are completed on a contractual basis with individual faculty members.

To receive honors credit, the student must receive a grade of B or better for the course and complete the contracted project to the satisfaction of the course instructor. During the first week of classes, a student should talk to his/her instructors about participating in the Honors Program.

Honors Program participants who receive honors credit in 18 or more course units in at least six different academic disciplines and who have at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA at graduation are designated as Honors Graduates.

Follow these steps to complete an honors project:

  • Obtain project proposal from honors coordinator
  • Meet with course instructor within first three weeks of class to devise an appropriate project
  • Complete proposal with instructor and also turn it in to honors coordinator by fourth week of semester
  • Meet regularly with instructor to ensure project is complete by semesters end

For more information on 情色五月天s Honors program, please contact the course instructor.